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Renewing Our Instructional Support Levy

On Tuesday, November 7, 2023, Carroll Community School District residents will vote on renewing the district’s instructional support levy (ISL). This voter-approved levy supports the educational programming of Iowa schools, providing funds for nearly any purpose allowed from the district’s General Fund.

With a voter renewal of the ISL, the district will use the funds to support smaller class sizes, transportation services, and concurrent enrollment opportunities for students. This is not a new tax, but a renewal of the current ISL levy for 10 years.

We invite you to view answers to frequently asked questions below:



What is an Instructional Support Levy?

An ISL is a voter-approved levy that supports the educational programming of Iowa schools. Revenues from the levy can be used for nearly any purpose allowed from a district’s General Fund.

In Iowa, 99% of school districts have an instructional support levy in place.

The ISL is a vital funding source for our schools, generating approximately $1 million per year. Our community last approved an ISL in 2014. Find more information on the history of the ISL in our school district.


How would the district use ISL funds in the future?

If the ISL is approved this November, the district will use the funds largely to support our transportation services, maintaining our class sizes, and providing concurrent enrollment with Des Moines Area Community College.


We are one of the few larger school districts in Iowa that continues to provide in-town busing for students. In the 2022 fiscal year, the total operating costs of our transportation services was just over $1.1 million.


Our current class sizes in the elementary grades are 22 students or lower, with most elementary classes being 18-20 students. The funding provided by the ISL will allow the district to keep programs and staff in place to maintain lower classes sizes.

The concurrent enrollment program, meanwhile, allows high school students to enroll part-time at DMACC. They can earn college credit while still in high school while giving them a jump-start on college and career opportunities. Over the last two years, we have spent an average of $340,717 annually on concurrent enrollment for both Carroll and Kuemper students.


In spring 2023, students had access to 32 different college-level courses. Carroll High School had 316 enrollments in these courses. 


How would a renewed ISL affect property taxes?

Approving a renewed ISL this November would continue a tax levy that has been in place. It would not result in a new tax or a tax increase. The financial resources generated would continue to go directly to the district’s General Fund to support a wide variety of programs and services for students.


In 2023, the district’s ISL levy rate is at $0.4435 per $1,000 of taxable property value. With an approved vote, the rate would remain roughly the same over the next decade.


What would happen if the ISL is not renewed?

The district's general fund would lose $1 million in revenue and could result in reduction in staff and/or programs that serve students in our community.


When is election day?

The election date is Tuesday, November 7, 2023.


Is absentee voting available for this election?

Yes. Voters may complete an absentee ballot in person at the County Auditor’s Office during normal business hours. The last day to vote by absentee ballot in person is the day before the election.

To vote absentee by mail, ballots must be requested by October 23 and returned by November 7. Find the absentee ballot request form at:

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